Friday, June 18, 2010

Haha, well ive been nominated for an award, what a good time? haha...?
Anyways thank you Carly Belenger for your nomination. You can find her blog here>> I apologize for not reading that blog earlier, for i was not paying attention to my following feedy thing:P

Anywho, now i must answer some questions!

Have you ever used Photoshop?
Once, and i screwed a picture up so bad.

Have you ever wanted to kill your camera because you couldn't get the perfect picture?

Have you ever taken a picture from the top of a very steep hill or a cliff?
nope kinda sad actually.

Well now im supposed to nominate 8 people. but i only have 3 followers. and 2 of them were already nominate.. soo idkk

Fuck.You. I dont give a fuck anymore lmfao. im done trying and honestly im tired of trying to understand how your feelinhg about me. Its almost fucking summer and im done trying. Goodbye until you feel like talking to me about this problems were having.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Listenn uhmm... I apologize. I feel like i fucked things up by saying what i said.
ANd even though between the time that i said what i said, and 2 days ago was
A really good time and i had a lot of fun. i would rather be your best friend
Then fuck shit up like this. I fucked up. Im sorry, and right now i wish
That we could still be as close as we were, but i feel like im slowly drifting
aqway and i cant stop it. No matter how bad i want to i cannot stop
I need to stop... but i cant....

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Honestly, you confuse the fuck out of me, more and more everyday

I feel like i should delete all of my depressing/angry posts cause whenever i read them i feel like a dumbass for posting them. Idk i might....

But in other news. Today is Wednesday, I.E Alexa Woodwards birthdayy(: Soo happy birthdayy Alexa Brooke Woodward! You shall get a hug. Annddd today is also the cruise, which im feeling kidn of nervous about, because i tried to run every scenerio through my head, and it always ends up being awkward. I think its cause my thought process on everything is Awkward. It is 6:13 and awkward had an incorrect capital. Im going to look fly. And its going to be funn i guess. And every year its a huge fricken bump and grind fest, like seriously. I bet Mitrocockinmyass with be on like 15 different guys at once. No joke.

Anywaysss i should probably getting ready for school.... For some reason i was just thinking of when in I Love You, Man, Judd Apatow goes "Totes Magoats!" and its like the funniest saying in the movie every. I must think of that atleast once a day! I should start sayin it.. Totes Magoats....


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

How many times...
can i break....
Till i

Over the line...
Cant define...
What im after...

Monday, June 14, 2010


I walked, and walked and walked, and came apon you. Today was verryyy fun. My feet hurt, but im happy about it. My ipod be dead, and the top is gone, but trust me, it was a good day(:

You make me happy whether you know it or not
We should be happy that's what I said from the start
I am so happy knowing you are the one
That I want for the rest of my days
For the rest of my days
Yeah, all of my days

You're lookin' so cool you're lookin' so fly
I can't deny that when I'm staring
You down right dead in the eye
I wanna try to be the person you want
The person you need
It's hard to conceive
That somebody like you could be with
Someone like me

I'm happy knowing that you are mine
The grass is greener on the other side
The more I think the more I wish
That we could lay here for hours and just reminisce
Ooh Ooh

You're lookin' so fresh
It's catching my eye
Why oh why did I not see this before
The girl I adore was right in front of me
And now I'll take a step back and look in your eye
And ask why it took so long to see
We're meant to be

I'm happy knowing that you are mine
The grass is greener on the other side
The more I think the more I wish
That we could lay here for hours and just reminisce

On the good, the bad, the ugly
The smiles, the laughs, the funny,
Or all the things we put each other through
It's for you for you for you

You make me happy whether you know it or not
We should be happy that's what I said from the start
I am so happy knowing you are the one
That I want for the rest of my days
For the rest of my days

I'm happy knowing that you are mine
The grass is greener on the other side
The more I think the more I wish
That we could lay here for hours and just reminisce

Happy - Nevershoutnever

Fuck, you.

My headache makes me feel like im slowly dying
Every heartbeat kills me because of it
And i just want to die
For more thn that reason
My sister is a fat fuck, and she needs to
Cut the shit and stop being full of her fuckin self
Honestly, she makes me want to stab someone.

Dear self,
Dont kill anyone. Or else you wont be complete.


I cant take it anymore
Im leaving
Never coming back
And i hope your happy with yourself
Because youve made me what ive become
And what ive become
Is a beast.
A Monster
And something that no one wants to be around

Thanks bitch i really fucken appreciate it.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

moments forever faded will burn you tonight

Feeling: Confused

Friday, June 11, 2010


I understand now. And if what i said, meant that your problems make me feel bad, its not your problems, its the way you feel about the problems. You know what im saying? Like i dont feel bad, but i dont like you feeling like that. Either way, please dont feel guilty about me feeling bad for your problems, because its my fault for care, which is a good thing i guess(:

I guess what im trying to say is that i love you too
Please read this... i hope you will
Even though my last blog was all happy and that was
Like ten minute ago, twenty by the time that i finish
Looking for words to say to you, to try and persuade you
Persuade you to what?
I dont like seeing you like you were that day,
Its not good at all, and i really want to try and help you
But most of the time when i try and help
Sometimes things just get worse and worse.
I just hope that when you read this you will listen
Please talk to him, even if his gf doesnt want you two
To even act like you know eachother, you still have a past
You still have good times that you can never forget,
When i saw that you and him had the same card, i was thinking
"Oh fuck this isnt going to be good" and honestly it wasnt
I thought it was fucked up that he left you almost in tears,
just from sitting next to you and ignoring you. Please i ask of you
Talk to him, tell him how you feel, even if he doesnt listen
It will still be there in the back of his mind
And whenever he thinks of you, or sees of you, he will think
"Wow, thats really fucked up, i miss our friendship"
Cause trust me, it always happens, he will think
He will think of what you said to him. And most importantly
He will think of how you two used ot be, and right now im talking to you
Wanting you to talk to him about it,
I honestly dont like seeing you liek this, and whenever i read those words
"Im severely depressed" on that one entry
It hits me like a shit load of bricks,
Oh, and please pay attention in class, you say you havent in months,
And i dont want to see you have to "Stay back" from failing math

And smile more please, your beautiful when you doo(:

Boston: The destination of friends!

Boston was amazing. Ride there great. Ride home, great.
All together, it was one of the best days ever. And honestly i loved it! I bought 24 new Toy Story 3 silly bandz. Say what you want, their amazing! Newbury Comics in boston near faniel hall. great place. they had a led zeplin jacket so soft on the inside, $50. just wish i could have brought that much! I uploaded like 12 pictures on my facebook, sooo check em out! Uhmmm, yesh, sooo boston was great! We went to an improv asylum. i was up on stage for a few minutes, it felt like hours. lol i was a little nervous, my hand flew upwhen they asked for volenteers and i was like "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" its all good though. it was fun. And i saw the cheers bar. From the show? yeah i had to take a picturte for my dad. Hes like that. So anyways.

Right now im listening too "This Conversation is over" by Alesana.
I am currently trying to download like 92 songs for Kendelle Wilkinson. Its going to take a while, then i gotta sync the ipod. the one that i have thats almost dead. That remind me i need a new ipod.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Rawrr :3

Today i had that feeling. One feeling that i havent felt
Since a while back. Back when life was good.
But life isnt good, and yet you still give me that feeling.
Its like, my insides are all sqishing around. My heart is yelling
"Random hug! Now!" but my body doesnt listen for fear of rejection
It happends before, ill assure you. But, this tiem its duffernt
This time its a different feeling, but still the same.
Its yelling "Do it noww!" But my brain replies
"No dont, its going to hurt you."
To Brain:
Please listen to my heart more often and stop acting
The way you do, its making me feel awkward around people
To Heart:
Please stop yelling random things at me,
Cause then i get quiet and people wonder "Whats up?"
From Brain:
Alright ill be sure to
From Heart:

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

RE: He who makes a beast out of himself

Please if you read that do not feel guilty. I listen to your problems because i want to help you, and i love you(:
So if you read that one one felt bad, i apologize, but this is more centered towards a certain person. and they know that :D

And now enjoy this picture of a cool car.
1968 Ford Shelby Mustang GT500. only 500 made. 40 grand. i would like one please. :3

This made me laugh. Because i just took a nap. But i was in a bed, but on the floor. :3

He who makes a beast out of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man.

I have a foot cramp
but thats alright.
I like to type like this
In short little bursts
Then hitting enter
Or return key
You dont really see
many computers
with a "return" key
...kinda wierd...
makes me laugh because
my teacher still calls it a return key
speaking of which
im pretty sure
my teach is on crack
either that or her coffe
has a very high amount of caffine
it makes me kinda scared
i dont like her very much :P
right now there are soo many typos
but you wont see any of them
because i shall edit before i do ANYTHING to this atall
fun word
kinda like Adderal
but not.
i feel like i should be more deep
oh wait.. i think i feel something coming...

Today was a very good day
Just to live
because i was okay
for once in a while
and you know thats always good
because normally i feel like a pile
a pile of what you ask?
A pile of shit, but that happends
Or am i the only one that honestly feels down
for a long period of time when im out of it
Am i the only one that sees that the population
Of this planet mostly consists of dickheads?
Am i the only one that sees everyone for who they really are?
You probably read this thinking
"No, your wrong i feel down.."
Well then i want you to speak out
say that your not feelin that hot
I want you to say that your not a "happy camper"
Right now i Want you to say that to yourself
Right now.... And i want you to tell me.. do you feel better?
Because i hope you doo. No one deserves to be sad
No one deserves to feel the way me and you do
And i hope you can see that
Please be happy
It would make me happy (:

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Hey you... i like your face(:
And i want you to know
That i love you
But of course you already know that
Just thought that i would
Allow all 2 people to read this.

Oh, and you should listen to the song
Blow - Atreyu

"So fuckin blow those words out the back of your head
I hear it all and im done with this hsit
You tell me lies and
And you give what you get
So blow those fucking words out the back of your head"


Yuuuuppp this is how i feel. Kinda funny actually i was looking stuff up just for fun, and i rolled across this :P

Monday, June 7, 2010

Enter Sandman

"Black Hole are where God divided by Zero" -Steven Wright

Cool little quote i kinda like it :D
Alright so as i sit here bored, I kinda want to sleep, but its only 7:20.
But heres another cool quote

"Winning is a habit. Unfortunately so is losing" -Vince Lambordi

Anyways the point im making this is just out of random boredum. Not that i have too many readers at this point, but still.

I hate what ive become, the thunders just begun, i must confess that i feel like a monsterr.

Im bored... i shall go, and.. doo... homework..? holy fuck i really am bored :P

Day 1

Hmmm Today wasnt the best, But there was something i saw that made it pretty good. Alright so i get in the truck as my dad picks me up from school, and it was a very silent car ride. So silent you could hear the brake pads touching the tites as we got in the "driveway". After about 3 minutes of getting my shit together, my dad pauses takes off his glasses and slowly rubs his eyes. Down from his right eye that was facing me i saw one lonely tear drip down his face. My father was crying, and it was the first time since since the Red Sox won the world series for the first time in 84 years, and ill never forget how freaked out i was. Anways, he turns to me and say "You know Jon im really sorry with all of this thats happening and stuff, its not right and you shouldnt have to go through it" He was talking about whats going on financially in my families lives. I replied with the common "Dad, its alright, just as long as were not dead, im okay with it" then, he could barely say "No jon... its not..." but he managed to get it out.... I was stunned at what i was seeing, but i answered just like a normal 14 year old boy would. As i went into the house my dad put everything down, and went to the side yard. I think he was going to contemplate about whats going on right now.
Now this is the part where it starts to pick up. MY dad walks in and says that hes going to get dinner, so i asked if i could go, just to get out of the house. We got a foot long sub, and a salad, all we could afford for dinner, but im okay with it, as long as i has food in my belly im alright :3 So on the way back, im in the car, messaging Kendelle WIlkinson, my very best friend about stuff that was going on and as i was about to start crying, i look outside to try and shake it off, but as my sudden amazement, what do i see? A man of the black ethnicity with a piece of chicken in his hand, Fried chicken. The next thing i know, half of his fist is jammed down his throat and it appears that he is gnawing his hand off, but that black mothu8h fuckuh just had to have his chicken. So as i was slightly crying, i was laughing at the saame time, and i tried not to let my dad notice, just because, but i found this extremely hilarious. Then on facebook, an acquaintance of mine had said "Well now all he needs is some purple drank" and that made me giggle.
Well i guess my point is, in the worst of times when it seems like your life is about to implode and shits going to go down, if your paying attention, youll see this little thing that will make you day 10000000x better, and trust me, it willl (: