Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I feel like i should delete all of my depressing/angry posts cause whenever i read them i feel like a dumbass for posting them. Idk i might....

But in other news. Today is Wednesday, I.E Alexa Woodwards birthdayy(: Soo happy birthdayy Alexa Brooke Woodward! You shall get a hug. Annddd today is also the cruise, which im feeling kidn of nervous about, because i tried to run every scenerio through my head, and it always ends up being awkward. I think its cause my thought process on everything is Awkward. It is 6:13 and awkward had an incorrect capital. Im going to look fly. And its going to be funn i guess. And every year its a huge fricken bump and grind fest, like seriously. I bet Mitrocockinmyass with be on like 15 different guys at once. No joke.

Anywaysss i should probably getting ready for school.... For some reason i was just thinking of when in I Love You, Man, Judd Apatow goes "Totes Magoats!" and its like the funniest saying in the movie every. I must think of that atleast once a day! I should start sayin it.. Totes Magoats....


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